
Guidesty Imprint


  • Location: Netherlands
  • Email:
  • Registered at: Amsterdam
  • Registration Number: On request
  • VAT ID: On request


Despite diligent verification of the content, we do not accept any liability for the content of external links on our website. At the time of linking, no illegal content was detected on linked pages. However, as we have no control over the current and future design and content of external sites, we expressly distance ourselves from all content on linked external sites.

Photo Credits

The images used on our platform are sourced from:

  • Guidesty employees
  • Partners
  • Community members
  • Licensed from stock photo providers including:
    • Shutterstock
    • iStockphoto
    • Others

Detailed credits for the images can be viewed by enlarging the photos.

Consumer Dispute Resolution

The European Commission provides an Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform, which you can access here:

Please note that Guidesty does not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board and is not obligated to do so under § 36 VSBG (Consumer Dispute Resolution Act).